Portraiture Photography

portrait can be anything from paintings & photographs, to sculptures or other artistic representations of a person. The face and its expression is mostly predominant in portraits and the aim is usually to show personality, mood, likeness, etc. of a person. Portraits often shows a person looking directly at the painter or photographer, so that they can hopefully successfully engage the subject with the viewer. Portraiture has been around for hundreds of years, even before the camera was invented. During this time, people would usually have to sit and be painted.

Wes Naman

Wes Naman, a photographer based in Mexico, was wrapping Christmas presents with his assistant when he started messing around with the scotch tape. It was this that gave him an idea which later developed into the "Scotch Tape" series, which was a series of portraiture photos. For this, volunteer put tape around their faces, creating bizarre results where only tiny amounts or no retouching/photoshopping is needed. Naman has received offers from an advertising agency to use the portraits for office supply stores or plastic surgery centers.

Objectively, this image shows a woman with blonde/brown hair. It is pulled back and she has a fringe. Because of the tape, her right eye is taped shut, while her left eye is open and her eyebrow is raised. Her nose is made flat with the tape and the top right lip is also held up with the tape. She is wearing a coat with fur around the collar and hood. Both of her hands are holding the coat shut.

Manu Pombrol

Until very recently, Manu Pombrol didn't have a digital camera. As a child, he worked with oil paints and pastels. He then moved onto computer graphics and 3 years later, he started photography. Pombrol says that he wants to create his own art language by mixing reality and surrealism.

Objectively, this image shows a man in a green shirt. He is drinking from the glass that he is holding in his left hand and his right hand is reaching up to his head, which is being a replacement bowl for popcorn.

Laura Williams

Laura Williams is a 19 year old student from Cambridge.Her photos have been viewed around 160,000 times online. Laura is always the subject in her photos.
Objectively, this image shows a girl sat with her legs crossed on grass. Behind her there are green trees and bushes. The girl is holding a mirror, but instead of reflecting anything, the mirror shows what is in the background. This makes the subject, Laura, look completely invisible, except from her face, hands, and legs, which are not behind the mirror. 

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