
I have decided to do a documentary series on Poppy, and her life with autism. I will photograph her in everyday life, her routines, and also things that might set her apart from other children that are her age. For example, her time in sensory rooms, etc. She will sometimes have an autistic meltdown, which is different to a tantrum that a young child aged about 1 to 5 years would have. I think that Poppy sometimes feels quite isolated, due to not being able to communicate very well with others, which can sometimes make her very frustrated and angry.

I will take inspiration from Richard Billingham, a documentary photographer who also photographed his family. Billingham didn't stage his photos, and instead just took them when he felt like. This gave his photos a much more 'real' and honest feeling.
I think that staging the photos with Poppy wouldn't work as well or be as effective. So I took them as they happened, and didn't stage or set up any of them. 

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